Photos from Åcon 13

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For many years, our resident photographer Henry Söderlund has generously shared the pictures he takes at the convention, and this year is no different.

There are two albums, one with general photos från the con and Mariehamn, and one album with portrait photographs taken onboard the Pommern, the magnificent museum ship at anchor not far from Hotel Adlon.

These photos are all made available under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 license, meaning you can use them or even base your own work on them, as long as you make it clear that Henry Söderlund is the photographer.

Photos taken at the convention and in and around Mariehamn (click/tap the image):

Photo by Henry Söderlund. CC BY 4.0.

Portraits of some of the convention’s members (click/tap the image):

Photo by Henry Söderlund. CC BY 4.0.
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